The direct motive for the paper is the implementation process of the Environmental Framework Law (operational since May 2020), which now includes opportunities for co-management. The paper presents an overview of how co-management partnerships are structured and how they could work in practice. This paper concludes with a set of recommendations for solving the problems that commonly emerge in co-management partnerships, especially the problems that are already occurring or are expected to occur in Suriname.
FOREST93 launcht deze week de Groene Groei Bossen app als onderdeel van haar burgerwetenschapsprogramma.
Met de mobiele applicatie kunnen burgers via hun telefoon helpen om ontbossing in het hele land in beeld te brengen.
In May 2019 we have submitted a white paper to the coordinator of the national committees that are responsible for the execution of a roadmap to have legal acknowledgment of land rights for indigenous and tribal communities. These committees are performing under the Ministry of Regional Development. The white paper discusses the importance of following a multi-stakeholder process to finally get to a stage where legal products could be drafted. It thoroughly discusses the context of the problem, the roots for the existing conflicts and a means to get to a sustainable solution.
Indigenous Peoples and Social Impact Assessments
This White Paper intends to help policymakers, private companies, scientists and practitioners who are involved in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments in Suriname. The paper proposes to change the way Social Impact Assessments are conducted by considering international rules, best practices and guidelines and the needs and customs of indigenous peoples. This will give a basis to make accurate interventions and to design social investment programs with a clear sustainable development focus for these vulnerable communities.
The paper was submitted in June 2019 to the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname, called NIMOS, who writes the requirements for ESIA studies and has the oversight over performed studies in the country. Green Growth Suriname commits to a scientific approach and a solution-oriented approach. The timing for this white paper is particularly right because parliament will discuss a new environmental legislative framework in the coming months which will be informative for new guidelines towards industry, of which ESIA’s will be part of.
FOREST93 launcht petitie voor een schoon en groen Suriname
Over ongeveer 70 dagen gaat De Nationale Assemblée met verkiezingsreces. Dat geeft ons dus nog 70 dagen om de volksvertegenwoordiging te overtuigen dat Suriname haar bos wenst te behouden en haar milieu schoon wenst te houden. Via de website is er per vandaag een online handtekeningenactie gestart.